The nuclear plant in Japan had been very vulnerable before the earthquake to natural disasters, and since the first explosion had begun to emit extremely dangerous radioactive isotopes.
In February 2003, a total of 441 nuclear power plants were reported to be in operation around the world, and 103 of these power plants exist just in the United States. Nuclear power plants first came into the picture in 1951; the United States government had been doing research in nuclear weapons since before World War II, and only afterward encouraged development in nuclear energy. The nuclear energy production process occurs when uranium-235 particles (also U-235) are split in a process called fission, and the heat generated from fission creates so-called “green energy”. These nuclear power plants are powered first by burning coal or oil, then water in boilers are heated to create enough power for proper fission.
The risk of accidents at nuclear power plants is alarmingly high. In 1986, in Russia, the Chernobyl power plant exploded. Thirty people were killed instantly, and 209 people had be treated for severe radiation poisoning. It was the world's worst nuclear accident; according to a study done by the World Health Organization years after, even a faraway place like Scotland had 10,000 times the normal radiation level. The economic disadvantage and stock market drop for the Soviet Union was the worst in fifty years. According to a scientific study by Subcommittee of Oversight and Investigations, an accident or explosion at a US nuclear power plant could kill more people than an atomic bomb.
Like the Japan earthquake and the resulting disastrous nuclear plant meltdowns, these incidents could have happened at any nuclear plant, whether the cause be a natural disaster or a man-made mistake. Because nuclear waste “recycling” or reproducing is illegal in the US, the waste is usually dumped at specific sites and left to sit and -hopefully- degrade. The best course of action now, to stop the waste from poisoning the environment and its creatures even more, would be to cease all nuclear energy production and seek out alternative energies. There are greener, alternative sources of energy to be sought out. Currently 20% of the world's total electricity is from nuclear energy, and that could be changed if the governments put more money into alternative energies. Geothermal power is renewable and created by harnessing heat from deep under the earth to produce energy. The tides can be used to turn wind turbines and create renewable energy using wind. Bio-energy is also a viable alternative; plant matter and animal waste can be heated and used as fuel for energy/electricity production.
Though today there is much to be done and changed in the ways we produce energy, the last thing one would want to do is give up hope for renewable energy sources. Petition to your local representatives and government for better safety regulations in nuclear power plants, and pursue action to be taken in renewable clean energy!
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