
About Us

The Silver Cane Times is an independent, non-profit news organization that was established in May of 2007. It is run and operated by Hunter Wert and Hannah Sarco.

Together, we write for truth, justice and freedom of speech. Our chosen topics are broad and range from local to global issues. Our mission is to give certain issues a voice, do what we can to bring awareness and whenever possible - take action. We hope to work with and enlighten our generation in hopes of creating a brighter and better future for our world.

  Hannah C. Sarco

Hannah Sarco is a creative writer who hopes to one day become a future novelist or scientist.  Home-schooled from a young age, she developed an early love of learning.  Hannah's passion lies with writing and she utilizes her talent in numerous ways ranging from informative writing to poetry to stories.  Her other passions consist of playing guitar, photographing wildlife and gardening.  A native to New Orleans, Louisiana, she is already a very active member in her community.  She devotes herself to being green and doing what she can as a youth to improve the future of our world.

Hunter R. Wert

Hunter is an investigative journalist from a small town in Florida.  Although not formally educated, Hunter has dedicated her life to the world of knowledge.  She began reaping the advantageous benefits of home-schooled freedom by following her own educational desires at a young age.  In doing so, she has become an efficient Japanese speaker, a devout vegetarian and an activist for countless causes, among other things.  She often spends time thinking strategically about the world and those she cares for.  Hunter is currently pursuing a degree in nursing and hopes to one day become a naturopathic doctor.

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