Since the 90s, genetically modified crops have been invading our farms, grocery stores and homes. They have been the cause of major health issues and even death for countless people, yet they continue to be grown, harvested and sold. In this article you will get answers to the following questions that have haunted me for so long. These questions include:
What effects do these post-DNA-surgery patients have on our environment and the people you love? Is modern science qualified to perform DNA surgery on our food? Are there any positive effects of the GM food in which we consume? What is currently being done about these threats to our health and environment?
Genetically modified crops affect both consumers and the environment. They even affect those who do not consume them.
GM crops are responsible for inhabiting 331 million acres of land. This means that 331 million acres of land is being sprayed daily with pesticides, herbicides and other harmful chemicals. Substances like pesticides have been labeled as both environmental pollutants and hazardous to our health.
To put things in perspective, think about this: workers who deal with these chemicals put their lives at risk and are required to wear protective equipment and gear. Where is our protective gear?
To aesthetically please, fruits like tomatoes have been modified to retain their firm red appearance. Although this appearance is maintained for a longer period of time than non GM foods, the tomato itself begins to almost rot inside and ultimately lose its’ nutritional value. The tomato has an impressively longer shelf life, but sits in an ill stupor upon the shelves - waiting to be consumed.
GM crops, being antibiotic resistant, are often targeted by bacteria. This bacteria could pick up these antibiotic resistant cells which would then cause them to mutate. This super bacteria could then infect us. Because GM crops are without labels, fault could not be traced back to them. A real-life example of this would be an incident that occurred In the 90s. Although it failed to make major headlines, many people died and/or were partially paralyzed/temporarily disabled due to a syndrome that was eventually traced back to GM bacteria.
The genes in GM crops, herbicides and pesticides are all vulnerable to theft from weeds, bacteria and viruses. This implied scenario is called gene pollution and the effects are tragic. There are many sources of pollution on this Earth, but the negative effects caused by gene pollution is irreversible.

Not unless you prefer harmful chemicals over a few harmless bugs! Many believe that GM foods (along with non organic foods) are helpful in that they are “pest-resistant” and tolerant to herbicide. To this I say, balderdash! Certain crops are genetically modified to withstand the harmful chemicals sprayed on them. This scenario eerily reminds me of the dairy cows who are given antibiotics to withstand the milk inducing hormones that they are injected with. Can we really call this practice “helpful”? What we all seem to keep forgetting is - what goes into them, goes into us (if we so chose to consume it).
The Obama administration has recently approved of several genetically modified crops to be planted in the U.S. The United States of America already accounts for 42% of genetically modified crops while Brazil comes in at 2nd place with 16%. English scientist, David King, believes that genetically modified foods are safer to consume than conventionally grown crops. He continues to stand by his opinion and holds the position of chief scientific adviser of England.
No, to put it bla

If you wish to avoid consuming GMO foods, only purchase foods that have a '100% Organic' sticker on the label.
• Artificial sweeteners
• Soy
• Corn
• Canola
• Sugar
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